Kamis, 01 Agustus 2019

Business Live: Thursday 1 August - BBC News

Copyright: Getty Images

US-China trade talks in Shanghai ended with little progress other than both sides agreeing to hold more talks.

The talks in Shanghai were "constructive", a White House press secretary said in a statement, adding that the US expects to resume negotiations with China in Washington in early September.

US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin held talks with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He and his negotiating team for two days in Shanghai, the statement said.

They discussed issues including forced technology transfer and intellectual property rights - both at the centre of the US's trade dispute with China.

The Chinese also "confirmed their commitment to increase purchases of United States agricultural exports", the press secretary said.

The two sides have been fighting a trade war over the past year.

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2019-08-01 07:12:10Z

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